Thursday, October 2, 2008

THANKS Everyone!

Lesa; Jen, Dave, Leah & Daniel; Mike & Barb; Joanne; Sherry; Sherrie; Clay; Carole; Albrecht93; Norah; Diana; Lauree -- and everyone else!!

Just wanted to let everyone know how much we appreciate your comments and kind words that everyone leaves on our blog. And your emails too! Sarah is learning to read and write and she loves to come home from school and see what comments have been left for her.

She's amazed that people that she's never even met have an interest in her life and it really makes her heart sing. THANKS!!!

p.s. Crazy Cat says "Hi" too!


Lesa said...

Hi Debbi, I'm just happy I am allowed to follow her journey. I'm so proud of her I could shout!!
We were vacationing in Colorado in July and I had wanted to look you up or write and see if we could visit, but didn't have your email.
here is
Glad Sarah is enjoying her new life.

Jen, Dave, Leah and Daniel said...

Sarah, Thank you for allowing us into your life. You truly are an inspiration (Your parents are pretty cool too!).
I hope my daughter has as much spunk as you as when she gets older.

Mike and Barb said...

I'm with Lesa - I'm happy to see those glimpses into your lifes.
You have been an inspiration to me, and your family is blossoming to beautifully!