Tuesday, July 22, 2008

LAST Social Worker Visit!

Our FIRST family photo -- Sept. 4, 2007

Well, today is our LAST visit from our social worker!!! Hard to believe, but in just a few shorts weeks we'll have been together as a family for ONE YEAR! So, it's time for our final home visit and for the final report to go to China.

Sarah has been ready for a few hours now. She has on her favorite pink dress and jewelry. We sat this morning and picked out the photos we want to give the social worker for the report, found her report card from last year and made sure we had the doctor's letter all ready. Hopefully we haven't forgotten anything!

Sarah helped me pick up the house and make some cookies. Her room is spotless! So, here's to the very last stage of our adoption -- we knew even before we met Sarah that we were a family but soon the paperwork will confirm it! And, today, I won't even cry like I was in the first photo!


Joanne said...

Wow, our last step in the adoption process! We have ours on Monday, July 28th - and I need to get pictures and dr notes together!!

Lesa said...

It goes by so fast guys! We've had our daughter, Wendy for almost 4 years. She will be turning 5 before the 4 year mark. It really is hard to believe that it has already been that long.
Congratulations to all three of you. She has matured so much since last year. She definitely looks, and sounds like she is a very happy young lady.