Thursday, June 5, 2008

You GO Girl!!!

Our girl certainly has SPUNK! Today was "day 2" of a 3 day volleyball camp sponsored by a local college. Sarah has never played volleyball before except for a few days in PE, but she seemed to have a bit of interest in it after playing at school so we asked her if she'd like to go to a 3 day volleyball camp. She said "sure!"

Before yesterday's camp was done, Kevin and I weren't too sure she'd be wanting to go back again today. The camp is lots of fun and lots of work. But when the day was over it received a resounding "that was pretty fun!" comment and she was ready to go back today. The coach had told them that camp starts at 1:30 but you need to be there early because "if you are on-time, you're late!" So today at 12:45 she was all dressed (knee pads and all!) and rushing Kevin and I around to leave even though the college is just down the road from us.

Today they ran various drills and then played some games. Sarah loved two drills in particular -- smashing the ball down on the ground and seeing how high she could get it to bounce & standing on a box and smashing the ball over the net (photo above).

After today's session she actually has bruises on her arms but she's ready to go again tomorrow! So, "You GO Girl!" -- or should we call you "Smash Girl!"?

(And yes, she was wearing pink shorts today and yesterday she did have black shorts on but a pink shirt! And, she learned to dye fabric in art class today so now she wants to dye her knee pads PINK! Go figure!)

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